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Research & Insights


November 20, 2023

Steve Holden
Steve Holden

Senior Vice President, Single-Family Analytics

New, technology-driven capabilities are allowing us to challenge our past approaches to make a better, more inclusive risk assessment without compromising a mortgage’s long-term soundness.

November 14, 2023

Nancy Atwell
Nancy Atwell

Multifamily Chief Operating Officer - Senior Vice President

Rent is often a renter's largest monthly expense, and credit scores play a huge factor in the ability to pursue financial and economic opportunities.

October 30, 2023

Mark Palim
Mark Palim

Senior Vice President and Chief Economist

Rachel Zimmerman
Rachel Zimmerman

Market Research Advisor, National Housing Survey Lead

Fannie Mae National Housing Survey® findings indicate that there is more to the decline in existing homes for sale than just the lock-in effect.

October 19, 2023

Devang Doshi
Devang Doshi

Senior Vice President, Capital Markets - Single-Family Products

Kathleen Pagliaro
Kathleen Pagliaro

Vice President, Credit Risk Transfer

Rob Schaefer
Rob Schaefer

Vice President, Credit Risk Transfer

Thanks to the dedication and support from our investor, reinsurer, and broker-dealer partners, together we've built a broad and liquid market for U.S. mortgage credit.

October 4, 2023

Peter Ghavami
Peter Ghavami

VP, Modeling and Data Science

In 2018, Fannie Mae surveyed senior mortgage executives to better understand lenders' views on AI/ML. This year, we re-surveyed mortgage lenders to assess how their views and experiences may have changed.

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