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Contacting the Board of Directors

Communications with Directors or Audit Committee

Interested parties wishing to communicate any concerns or questions about Fannie Mae to the non-executive Chair of the Board or to our non-management directors individually or as a group may do so by e-mail addressed to "," or by U.S. mail addressed to Board of Directors, c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary, Fannie Mae, 1100 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Communications may be addressed to a specific director or directors, including Mr. Heid, the Chair of the Board, or to groups of directors, such as the independent or non-management directors.

Interested parties wishing to communicate with the Audit Committee regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters may do so by e-mail addressed to "," or by U.S. mail addressed to Audit Committee, c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary, Fannie Mae, 1100 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.

Page last revised: 3/23/23