Affordable Housing Preservation
Leading the way in affordable housing preservation
To fulfill our mission of affordable housing, we are working with our stakeholders and partners to drive positive change. Together, we’re investing in affordable, sustainable homeownership and rental options. We’re also supporting efficiency, resiliency, and rehabilitation to preserve and improve the availability of affordable housing across the country.
Our work helps more families find affordable homes — and stay in them longer. Our Single-Family and Multifamily teams collaborate with industry stakeholders to innovate solutions for today's market.
View the comprehensive 2025-27 plan and specific sections:
See how we are making a difference
What’s new in affordable housing
Single-family affordable housing
We’re working to increase liquidity for shared equity programs
Models like community land trusts and restricted resale properties preserve affordability and encourage homeownership.
Our financing makes property improvements possible
We offer financing options for energy and water efficiency and the rehabilitation of distressed single-family properties.
Borrower education and support
We’re educating borrowers on shared equity, energy efficiency, and lowering costs, and we’re offering counseling programs.
Multifamily affordable housing
We leverage affordable housing preservation programs on every level
We pursue preservation strategies and purchase loans under federal, state, and local housing programs.
Workforce housing is a mainstay of our efforts
We’re building on our long-standing support for workforce housing initiatives.
We set the standard in Green Financing
Our water and energy efficiency improvement programs make properties more sustainable and create savings.
Our accomplishments*
*Totals reflect 2018-2023. Data represents Fannie Mae’s determination of qualifying Duty to Serve activities, and are subject to restatement or revision based on FHFA review. Fannie Mae’s 2023 results have not been validated.