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Duty to Serve

Rural Housing

Creating opportunities in rural markets

To meet the unique needs of rural markets, we’re working with local and regional stakeholders to ensure that housing opportunities, financing products, and secondary market support operate in tandem. Together, we’re creating better options for homeowners and renters alike.

View the comprehensive 2025-27 plan and specific sections:

All Markets  Rural Housing 

A nationwide commitment

Because rural markets aren’t one-size-fits-all, we engage on a local level and work to address issues in areas as diverse as Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, the U.S.-Mexico border region, those serving Native American populations, and areas of persistent poverty.

What’s new in rural housing

Single-family rural housing

We’re serving Native American communities

We’re helping provide enhanced mortgage products, agreements for financing on tribal lands, and educational materials nationwide.

Native American homeownership

Our efforts in rural housing expand access to financing

We’re increasing loan purchases in high-needs rural regions, including purchases from small financial institutions.

Stakeholder engagement helps us succeed

Lenders, nonprofits, and government entities are among our strong network of rural housing stakeholders.

Multifamily rural housing

We’re reaching underserved markets and populations

Our multifamily loan purchases target high-needs rural regions — Middle Appalachia, the Lower Mississippi Delta, and persistent poverty counties in rural areas.

View the research

Our tax credit investments help make affordable housing possible

We invest in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) properties in high-needs rural regions and Native American and farmworker communities.

Information on LIHTC investments

Our accomplishments*

*Totals reflect 2018-2023. Data represents Fannie Mae’s determination of qualifying Duty to Serve activities, and are subject to restatement or revision based on FHFA review. Fannie Mae’s 2023 results have not been validated.