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Press Release

Fannie Mae Releases Loan-Level Credit Performance Data

April 30, 2013

Additional Transparency Will Help Investors Analyze Potential Risk Sharing Transactions

Andrew Wilson


WASHINGTON, DC – Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTC) announced today that it is making loan-level credit performance data available on over 18 million single-family mortgages that the company has acquired since 2000.  This new data will help investors model the credit performance of loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae as the company works with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to develop potential risk sharing transactions. 

“Transparency is a key component to encouraging private capital to reenter the housing market,” said Andrew Bon Salle, Executive Vice President, Single-Family Underwriting, Pricing, and Capital Markets, Fannie Mae.  “Our goal is to enable better modeling and understanding of the credit performance of Fannie Mae loans.  Bringing private capital in to share some credit risk will help lay the foundation for a stronger mortgage finance system for the future.”

The dataset that Fannie Mae is releasing today includes credit performance information on 30-year, fully amortizing, full documentation, single-family, conventional fixed-rate mortgages.  These mortgages were delivered to Fannie Mae between January 1, 2000 and March 31, 2012 and originated beginning in January 1999.  Adjustable-rate mortgage loans, balloon mortgage loans, interest only mortgage loans, mortgage loans with prepayment penalties, government-insured mortgage loans, Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) mortgage loans, Refi Plus mortgage loans, and other non-standard mortgage loans are not included in the dataset.

The dataset can be accessed on the website, as well as frequently asked questions and a glossary to assist market participants in understanding the data.

Credit performance data includes voluntary prepayments, repurchases, and delinquencies of up to 180 days.  Activities that can occur up to the period at which a loan becomes 180 days delinquent, such as mortgage modifications, short sales, deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure, third-party sales, and Fannie Mae’s acquisition of real estate owned (REO) properties will also be included.  The dataset will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Fannie Mae enables people to buy, refinance, or rent a home.

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