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E-1-02, List of Contacts (02/05/2025)

This topic contains contact information for Fannie Mae and other resources referenced in this Guide.


Name Contact Information Purpose
Capital Markets Operations
Trade Confirmations Allocations


800-752-4233 or 202-243-5423
Fax: 240-699-3890
Fax: 202-752-3439

For verifying MBS trade information

For communicating TBA pool notifications and trade pair-offs

Capital Markets Pricing and Sales Desk
800-752-0257 (Whole Loan and MBS)
866-944-3863 (Early Funding)
202-752-7875 (Structured Transaction Group)
For trading MBS, selling whole loans, hedging pipelines, obtaining best execution information, and other related inquiries

Changes in Lender Organization

To send Fannie Mae advance written notice of any contemplated major changes in the lender’s organization including Form 1001, as applicable.
Condo Project Manager (CPM) Management Team

For inquiries related to CPM.
Custodian Oversight and Monitoring
2000 Opportunity Way, Reston VA 20190
For inquiries about document custody or for requests to move loans from one custodian to another
Customer Support (Single-Family Technology Support)
800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643)


800–917–9291 (Uniform Collateral Data Portal)
For subscription inquiries; technical, billing, reporting, and registration inquiries for licensed users of Fannie Mae technology products and services
Defense Manpower Data Center To obtain verification of employment for military personnel
Digital Data Control Team - LQC
Fannie Mae Loan Quality Center
Granite Park VII 5600 Granite Parkway
Plano, TX 75024
For inquiries related to loan file and documentation submissions.
eMortgage Custodian Oversight Department For inquiries or requests related to eNote custodial transfers
eMortgage Group For eNote or eClosing inquiries not related to custodial transfer and questions related to delivery and certification of eNotes.
Fannie Mae Assignment Address
Fannie Mae Mail Drawer: Assignments
1100 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
For assignments
Fannie Mae Credit Portfolio Management Granite Park VII 5600 Granite Parkway
Plano, Texas 75024
800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643)
For information related to servicing mortgage loans.
Fannie Mae Ethics email:
Phone: 888-FM-ETHICS(888–363–8442
For reporting penalties (civil or criminal) or enforcement actions for compliance failures or violations related to anti-money laundering requirements.
Fidelity Bond and Errors and Omissions For reporting fidelity bond and errors and omissions losses and policy changes
Fannie Mae Websites
For information about Fannie Mae’s single-family mortgage business solutions and doing business with Fannie Mae
Corporate website
Fixed-Income Investor Helpline
800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643)
For information related to fixed-income securities, including MBS, debentures, and preferred stock
Fannie Mae Offices
To connect with us by mail, email, or phone
Lender Eligibility and Compliance Unit
Audited Financial Statement (AFS) page
For submission of financial reports
Loan Quality Center (LQC) Digital Data Control Team
LQC File Receipt and Assignment
Fannie Mae Loan Quality Center
Granite Park VII 5600 Granite Parkway
Plano, TX 75024
For inquiries related to loan file and/or documentation submissions.
MERS Program Office
To notify Fannie Mae of the termination of a seller/servicer’s relationship with MERS
Mortgage Fraud Reporting

800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643)
To report suspected fraudulent mortgage activities and suspicious activity related to Fannie Mae business activities
Mortgage Operations

For less than 50 adjustments: 

LSDU Loan Servicing Data Utility

For more than 50 adjustments:

To request post-purchase adjustments
Mortgage Record Change Form Address
Fannie Mae Attn: Government Claims Manager
Granite Park VII 5600 Granite Parkway
Plano, Texas 75024


P.O. Box 650043
Dallas, TX 75265-0043
The Fannie Mae address that must be completed on the Mortgage Record Change Form (HUD Form 92080)
Onboarding Team To obtain reactivation requirements after a seller or servicer has been terminated
Project Eligibility Review Service (PERS) Project Submission To submit a complete PERS package via email, including all relevant supporting documentation.
Privacy Office


To request permission to use Fannie Mae’s name or to provide written notice of a Cybersecurity Incident, data breach, or

To provide notice of borrower enrollment in a state Address Confidentiality Program

Registration and Account Management
Registration and Account Management
on Fannie Mae’s website:

To obtain the Software Subscription Agreement and other technology registration forms
Servicing Solutions Center

800-2FANNIE(800-232-6643) Option 1, Option 3

For general servicer questions: case specific; servicing-related; loss mitigation; Home Affordable Modification-related questions
Single-Family Certification and Custody Team

1-800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643) Option 1, Option 5

For assistance with document certification and bailee letter information
Single-Family Loan Delivery and Acquisitions Team

1-800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643) Option 1, Option 4

For assistance with loan delivery related questions or for submission of Form 360 and Form 482
Single-Family Lender Approval


For application to become a Fannie Mae-approved seller or servicer and obtain an MSSC
Trust Agreement and Prospectus Requests

800-2FANNIE (800-232-6643)

Fannie Mae Attn: Fixed
Income Investor Marketing
1100 15th Street, NW
Mailstop 2H-3S/17
Washington, DC 20005
To obtain the Trust Agreement, Prospectus, and related Prospectus Supplement
U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website To obtain current prevailing student loan interest rates